Mission Components
Mission scripts can be found from 00ViD/Scripts/Systems/Missions/.
List and explanation of main mission components:
Mission Manager - Keeps track of mission components. Static component so only one is needed per project, preferably add to initScene and forget. If you have one per scene, you'll lose track of previously activated and completed missions on scene change.
Mission - Optional top-level mission hierarchy component to automatically advance Assignments. One mission could be an entire simulation or game, but doesn't have to be.
Assignment - Assignments are sets of objectives. For example "Intro/Tutorial" or "Disassemble Ice Cream Tank" could be one assignment. Assignments can be used without Mission-component, but has to be manually activated.
Objective - Objectives are the meat of the Mission-system. Each Objective has a "Complete Condition string". The objective listens for that Complete Condition string and when it is called, the objective completes and next objective tier activates. Suggested naming convention for the Complete Condition Tags is Assignment##_Objective## like As01_Ob01. Objective Critical Objects-part of the component is a system to control what happens on each objective activation/completion. Select an object from the scene, spawn a new one from the item pool or find a game object via tag. After selecting the game object, you set two things: 1.select an action from the dropdown list of preset events, such as GameObject_Active (for enabling or disabling game objects) and 2.Set which state will that action happen, such as "On Active" or "On Complete". There are also custom unity events available at the bottom of the component; Use them if you can't find a preset action from the dropdown in the Critical Objects-system.