Platform Guide
The template project is set for Meta Quest development by default. Follow this guide to enable other platforms.
Note that you can only have one platform active at once, but by installing multiple platform SDKs you can easily switch between platforms. Our tools have been created with multiplatform in mind.
Meta Quest
Meta Quest is imported and enabled on the Template project by default, but the template project is not configured to use Meta's SDK other than what is necessary to avoid problems with features that aren't on other platforms.
This means that you shouldn't use Meta's exclusive tools and features unless you want to target only their platform. We recommend targeting multiple platforms, since our tools are designed to make that easy.
If you switch to other platforms and need to switch back to Meta Quest, follow these steps:
The recommended multiplatform way:
- Go to VRIF integration menu from the top menus and make sure none of the booleans are checked.
- Go to VD-top menu->Integrations and check only Oculus(=Meta) and BNG framework.
- Go to Project Settings->XR Management and select Android-platform tab.
- Select Oculus from the XR Management list.(Check that Initialize XR on Startup is also selected.)
The Meta Quest platform exclusive way:
- Import BNG Framework's Oculus Integration package from \Assets\BNG Framework\Integrations\Oculus Integration.
- Go to VRIF integration menu from the top menus and make sure Oculus is checked.
- Go to VD-top menu->Integrations and check only Oculus and BNG framework.
- Go to Project Settings->XR Management and select Android-platform tab.
- Select Oculus from the XR Management list.(Check that Initialize XR on Startup is also selected.)
More information can be found here:
Pico platform:
Download and import the following packages manually to the project(package manager->Add package from disk-> select "package.json" file from folders you unpacked the below packages. More detailed guide can be found on PICO's Resources page below.
- PICO Unity Integration SDK
- PICO Developer Center
- PICO Live Editor Preview
Download link:
PICO Resources
Go to VRIF integration menu from the top menus and make sure none of the booleans are checked.
- Go to VD-top menu->Integrations and check only Pico and BNG framework.
- Go to Project Settings->XR Management and select Android-platform tab.
- Select Pico from the XR Management list.(Check that Initialize XR on Startup is also selected.)
- (If you want to play in editor: Select Windows-platform tab from the XR Management list and select Pico-live preview from the list. Check that Initialize XR on Startup is also selected.)
- Done
- Import SteamVR package from Unity Package Manager.
- Import BNG Framework's SteamVR Integration package from \Assets\BNG Framework\Integrations\SteamVR. This includes input bindings for SteamVR.
- Go to VRIF-integration menu from the top menus and check only the SteamVR boolean.
- Go to VD-top menu->Integrations and check only BNG framework.
- Go to Project Settings->XR Management and select Windows-platform tab.
- Select SteamVR/OpenVR from the XR Management list.(Check that Initialize XR on Startup is also selected.)
- Select Player-prefab's root-object and change the BNG Manager dropdown from OpenXR to SteamVR.
- Add "Activate SteamVR Action Set" component to the same object and select VRIF-action set.
- Done
More information can be found here:
HTC XR Elite
- Go to Project Settings->Package Manager and find "Scoped Registries"
- Add WaveXR-SDK registry by writing the following: "name": "VIVE", "url": "", "scopes": ""
- Open Package Manager, select All packages / My Registries and search for VIVE Wave. If no package is shown, click Refresh at the bottom left corner.
- Select VIVE Wave XR Plugin and click Install. All packages that the VIVE Wave XR Plugin have dependency on will also be installed. For example, XR Plugin Management.
- In Project Settings > XR Plug-in Manager, Select Android-platform tab and make sure only WaveXR is selected.(Check that Initialize XR on Startup is also selected.)
- Done